Erlendur Gestur was born in 1930, July 21st in Yxnadalsöxl. His father, Maltic Gregory was a nomad of sorts going from country to country on a small boat. Gestur never knew his mother nor is there any consensus on who she may be. When Gestur was 3 years old his father had another son, Josh Gestur. When they reached the town of Kill Devil Hill in North Carolina the Gestur brothers had grown tired of this life at sea.

Erlendur Gestur decided he would stay in Kill Devil Hill at the age of 20, in 1950. Josh Gestur decided he would no longer stay by Erlendur's side, opting for a life on the road. In 1952 Erlendur met Zaddy, alter ego of Jor Kretza, a frantic inventor. He was founder of CJ&W Law Firm and creator of the famous Boner Ghost and Jake Slimenfoot. Zaddy wanted to set his foot in the importing of illegal goods such as super-moonshine and putrid slime and super-putrid moonslime. Zaddy brought along Oswald Killer, Henry Thomas Wald's alter ego, and co-founder of CJ&W Law Firm.

Gestur, Zaddy and Killer all drank heavily and decided upon starting a band Zaddy GOK in 1955. The band was moderately successful with the underground slime-bounce wave. In 1957 Beer Drinker joined the band. They toured, playing with bands such as "Penis and the Dicks" (formerly) and Minging Boners, however during a concert in Rome, 1958, July 21th, Erlendur got shot in the back of the fucking head by Cornelius Smith, the third and final founder of CJ&W Law Firm and assassinator of John F. Kennedy. The motives were clear, he did not like this change in his business partners, believing it to be Erlendur's fault. The concert was not stopped, and every 20th of July a concert is held in Rome in his remembrance.
