Jake Slimenfoot is an alcoholic beverage named after Jake “Boneless” Slimenfoot, a protestant priest diagnosed with grapial dysfunction of the blolb. In 1957, Jor, while playing Table Top Prayers in his Bahamas hotel room with Henry, who chilled vibingly, decided to experiment with magical mixology. After Slimenfoot mysteriously exploded whilst on Christmas drugs, pilgrimage drugs and christmas turkey during the christmas Drug bonanza, Jor came upon entrails of a liver / putrid slimeball. With them, he concocted an awesome elixir including Fanta, rum, blue curacao, and a putrid lemon from slimeball christmas. Henry was astounded and vaccinated when he suddenly felt exposed philosophically from the waist down.

The drink became evil but good enough for christmas festivities such as Christmas. Henry’s mind expanded vigorously within his sick skull, turning him into Oswald “Christmas” Killer. Jor was there. Suddenly, he was phase shifted into millions of Jake particles and then transmuted into pure Jake juice, but suddenly Jor’s corporeal form returned. The drink induces jolliness, merriness, grapial inhibition, basketball, vasoconstriction and last but not least, backgammon proficiency. The drink tastes like bubbles with hints of fart success, birthday bones of dinosaurs, and brown tinted tzatziki powder. Another funny taste that is prevalent is soap for boys’ hands and hints of fart success, birthday bones of dinosaurs, and brown tinted tzatziki powder.

Another gentleman tried to fondle and fiddle and also finger and perhaps fidget and was legendary and also ludicrous and was lascivious towards one Oswald Slimenfoot.He tried illegally fondling friends of Leviticus Lollipops, captain of Banger-Wald backgammon league. Another characteristic which applies to one Gentleman Unterguggenberger is his penchant for little samosas. Eventually, little Slimenfoot sued the gentleman and CJ&W represented Killer.
