Elvinas Plok, born 1st January 1934 in Klaipeda, Lithuania, is the co-founder of 83 Cutlass Recordings with Henry Thomas Wald. At the age of 3, Plok suffered a great fall from a tree and was later reported by doctors to suffer from full spectrum mental illness. This shift in psyche would go on to create one of the world's most famous piano virtuosos. In 1939, Plok was drafted to fight in World War 2, where he would suffer intense shell shock. Upon returning home from the war in 1940, he became a hermit and enclosed himself within the attic of the family home. It was here where he would find old documents written by a great family ancestor detailing the philosophy of Plokism.

With this knowledge under his belt Plok took to the roads hitchiking to spread his philosophy throughout all of Europe. In Scotland he found shelter in the dorm of friend John Smith who would go on to introduce Plok to Henry Wald and the jazz band Minging Boners. After sitting by in the band's jam sessions, Plok and Wald would build steady rapport and much later established 83 Cutlass Recordings together. Continuing with his travels around Europe, Plok met Josh Gestur and rapidly began a friendship. Josh Gestur became infatuated with Plokism and changed his name to Beer Drinker after suffering a mental breakdown and leaving to join a band.

Finding large disillusion with the world around him, Plok began to engage in criminal activity under the pseudonym Cornelius Smith, chosen after his greatest friend John Smith. Drinking heavily, consuming large amounts of drugs and chainsmoking, Plok would commit unspeakable acts upon those he deemed worthy of pain. In early 1951 in Pontypool at the infamous tomb of Obungoloj, Plok would stumble upon an old friend in the form of Wald, and his young disciple Jor Kretza. The two approached Plok with a proposition to start a law firm, which would become Cornelius Jor & Wald Law Firm. This operation was a puppet company for the trio's many illegal prospects such as slime dealing.

In 1952 Jor would approach Erlendur Gestur, brother of Josh, to start a band with Wald. Elvinas felt betrayal at this decision and set his sights on Gestur, eventually resulting in a fatal shooting in 1958 that would leave Gestur dead at 28. Due to CJ&W's solid representation of Plok during the court case, he never saw time for the shooting. Later in 1963, with the added help of CJ&W, Plok would assassinate John F. Kennedy.

Nowadays Plok spends his time in his log cabin in rural Lithuania, making beats and cooking in the studio, occasionally joined by Wald, Kretza and Gestur (in spirit).
