
collected writings - every body will cling

We drink a lot of milk here
To see what it could solve
We're licking window panes
To gain some self control
We drink a lot of milk here
To see what it could solve
How could you ever concentrate with lumps in your skull
We drink a lot of milk here
To see what it could solve
Calendars to time your sleep
It's never simple, never cheap
We drink a lot of milk here
To see what it could solve
Recalling window panes
And how they settled in my brain
We drink a lot of milk here
We smoke a lot of cigarettes
No wonder I lack discipline
To clean and disinfect
We drink a lot of milk here
We drink a lot of fuck

We drink a lot of milk here
We smoke a lot of cigarettes
No wonder I lack discipline
To clean and disinfect
We drink a lot of milk here
We smoke a lot of cigarettes
No wonder I lack discipline
To clean and disinfect

Kennst du Drinker-Panner?
Woher kennst du denn den Kerl?
Wir verkehren nicht mit Säufern
Und ähnlichem Gschwerl

Survive the wait
The queue begins at the Golden Cap
Surviving out here
Harry is waiting ahead of the pack
And Carrie is stood behind
On the peak

Greeking rhubarb diagrams
On paper paid for by these arrows
Infinitely typing monkeys
Bashing cymbals on their lunch break
Clipboard backs are facing me
I'm facing them, conversing with them
Crushed in folders under F
Lives everything that makes me

Surviving out here
The onshore breeze is whipping the peak
The queue moves forward
To replace the weak

Your words are no solace
When I hear them from the tree
All the solitary oysters
Have abolished them from their speech
Care is simply your product
Strangers love mechanically
So excuse me if I don't wanna hear
Your thousand yard phraseology

Barley get to California
Doctors there are waiting for you
Testing your blood
Gives you wheat sickness rub
Tubes in your stomach
Nothing, nothing is enough
The dirt will keep me closed
Like eyelids in mud

Barley get to California
Doctors bored of you
Obsession's drill makes fine headaches
Four walled month long wait
Tubes in your stomach
Nothing, nothing is enough
The dread will keep me closed
Like eyelids in mud

Den Notausschalter wieder ziehen und im Sicherungskasten den Knopf drücken
Welcher Schrank ist es, Chef
Vor dem Mitarbeiterraum der zweiten von rechts. Tür auf, linke Seite unten steht “Tanktechnik ein”. Diesen Knopf drücken
Grüner Knopf

What do you not understand
What's unclear to you
These teeth with just the perfect shape
To lie right through
We are strong but must be weak
We have arms in every sector
Hands around the neck of culture
Tongues in every college lecture
What do you not understand
What's unclear to you
These teeth with just the perfect shape
To lie right through
We are strong but must be weak
Logic that the kettle speaks
Words that make those faggots weep
We know they're just confused

What do you not understand
What's unclear to you
These teeth with just the perfect shape
To lie right through
You could call them many things
Creative is not one
A power left to feed and grow
Will know no sins that aren't its own
Signed with pens of index bones
They point and write what they know
While they rant of cuts and mutilation
Who'd they castrate years ago?
Signing away our lives again
Their lies expose their know
While they rant of rape and manipulation
Think about the laws they uphold

Being hangs on moral panic
Words that tip the careful balance
Wheels that turn on constant threat
Existence has a consequence
Between the fields, the false pretence
Our history debate object
Our lives are here to be argued for and against
Between the fields, the false pretence
Our history debate object
Our lives are here to be argued for and against

And somehow no-one notices
This language isn't new
And somehow no-one notices
The deaths that have ensued
Some somehow
And somehow no-one notices
Rhetoric comes in loops
And somehow no-one notices
They confess when they accuse
Some somehow
And somehow no-one notices
This language isn't new
And somehow no-one notices
That none of it's true
Some somehow
And somehow no-one notices
Rhetoric comes in loops
And somehow no-one notices
That they will come for you
Some somehow

I will pay exactly ten
For the big thing in the corner
I took it with me in my car
The scenic way home
I wiped my shit off the dashboard
And set up my new camcorder
It took the form of some repellent
Shook the thing to its bones

I have an eye for

I have an eye for

Stained by sketches, drafts of my hexes
Spirits poured on fishes, silver in the light like
How I drown in sewage, muck of unwashed dishes
Filth that fills my body undergirds my life
I once met a fisher, man, was he a drinker
Living life on water doesn't make you clean
Cast away his safety net
Face first overboard he went, no other man on the sea

Through the windshield dazzled lines
Of sunlight stretching out
I drove the thing through town
Hid my ecstasy with a scowl
Through the windshield peppered glass
I landed on a field of grass
The big thing was behind the wheel
What should I do now

I have an eye for

I have an eye for

Gurgled as he told, had brackish slurry in his folds
He tried to read a page as brownish fluid filled his holes in
Paper digits sank in, melting every word he spoke
He choked his last refreshment, died before I learnt his name
This a solitary salvage of his having been
I can't imagine such a man had circles worth seeing
I mention now cos I am on a rot-plank boat
Sea-mushed paper plastered it, I read the words he wrote

I will pay exactly ten
For the really big barrel of shit
And spread it all over myself
To satirise the pig
It is not no issue now, and I wouldn't
Claim clairvoyance
But if you know what's best for me
I'll make sure to destroy us

What should I do now, what should I do now
What should I do now, what should I do now

I am a wise decision maker
I have a scope through their ignorant eyes
I spit the liquid in hands that will take her
Pictures of smiles on the shells
I am a credible piece of mouth
I have a workable range to spout
I rock in chairs by the pond at my house
Teeth from their smiles on the shelves

I rake through the sand
Breaking the shells
Scavenge, scrape, fall, war

I rake through the sand
Breaking the shells
Scavenge, scrape, fall, war

I am a flexible tape on the sitters
I give them something to not move about
I brush a way for the creeps and the critters
A way that will send them to hell
I am a gluer that works at the frays
I have a stitch that will work on this tape
I see events that will always replay
That's why it never fails

I rake through the sand
Breaking the shells
Scavenge, scrape, fall, war

I rake through the sand
Breaking the shells
Scavenge, scrape, fall, war

These flashing lights
I do not see cos I am in the tank

Space in the boot for the unborn
Blood of the birthday boy is oil for convoys

Common housing lines Azazel
Where we drown the lots

Solipsist and ventriloquist
Are soil before the beaches flood
It's not abrupt
Eating through the core before
They bite the dust
It's not abrupt
It's not abrupt
It's not abrupt

Solipsist in the tank reports
Of trouble in the class
Ventriloquist and armed support
Need heating for his ass
There's water in all apertures
And tar in our hearts
There's proof in our hearts

Solipsist in the tank reports
Of a simple colour code
Ventriloquist and armed support
Where the river overflowed
There's water in all apertures
And plastic in our blood
There's proof in our blood

Solipsist in the tank reports
Of rain clouds in the sky
Ventriloquist and armed support
Where koalas burn alive
There's water in all apertures
And an end to our lines

Solipsist in the tank reports
You should keep it dark in your house
Ventriloquist and armed support
Have sacrificed the south
There's water in all apertures

Pink of mouths, black of oil
Bodies, brine, in a heat that boils
Calling any services
Delirious and warm

Pink of mouths, black of oil
Bodies, brine, in a heat that boils
Calling any services
Delirious and warm

There's water in all apertures
Flushing out the gold
Solipsist turns to dust before
The beaches have dissolved
There's water in all apertures
Boiled in glowing bulbs
Ventriloquist will die before
He sees what he let unfold

Hestur labbar inn í bar og barþjónninn segir
Hví þetta langa andlit

Contemplating the sixth seventh classic olfactory attack
They're all literary foil that kill in toxic shocking shack

Mooch about the space and ship fat empty aral pills
Waste of pressure transport failure in the tank refill
Aromatic aliphatic fire rips through bloodstreams
What is greater than a lynchpinless shipping fucker wheel
Now wheelless shippers are sickle shells like aromatic time constrictors
Then a wheel that pots through tables drunk on lovely liver mixers
Lovely iron deaths, classroom flow between two scissors, 20 seconds
Before the black shit iron death of sisters

Fünf komma null R sechs
Twenty-five cans my man collects
Body in his bed and a tumour in his neck
When you've died please bury him next
Fünf komma null R sechs
Twenty-five cans my man collects
Body in his bed and a tumour in his neck
When you've died please bury him next

Toxic shock shack rocks in place
Body gaunt with an angled face
Dog mass enter supplement
Like black paint caused by accidents
Toxic shock shack rocks in place
Body gaunt with an angled face
Dog mass enter supplement
Like black paint caused by accidents

Contemplating the sixth seventh classic olfactory attack
They're all literary foil that kill in toxic shocking shack

Window wiping
I could make a wig
Bathroom tiles are hairier than me
Eyeball wiping
Under kitchen lighting
The trouble end of a dick

Flight delay
Has killed our baby
Sat down by the sink, love brassic fatherhood
Eyeball wiping
Wound up once again
Waste of water that thought it could

Whipping gurgles signpost death
Coffee, smoke, for speed
Never much cared for weird blokes
He had to concede
Turning greener by the second
My driver was on schedule
What do you think I'll have to do
Surely one last ritual

And we drove around the corner

Of domestic rumours
You are too gaunt to
Tell your nodes from tumours
Filled with water
Parched at the office
Stumm and naked
I think I faked it

Of domestic rumours
She must remind you
That you could lose her
Fill her with water
She overflows
Did she have to know
The names of your nodes

And we drove around the corner
The shiny shiny ridicule
The window was my partner
It knows when fears are trivial
And we drove around the corner
The shiny shiny ridicule
The window was my partner
It knows when fears are trivial

Five and twenty
She makes plenty
I like it empty
Five and twenty
She makes plenty
Nordic gold for energy

Miss digestives
Nothing festive
Allgäu Blau
On bread for breakfast
Miss digestives
Nothing festive
Teenage love in lunacy

Travel crust in Providence
Cars that rust in gentle rain
Whisking white matter trains
Whisking man boy brains
Splutter custard coughed up, remains
Remains in corners all yarn-like
Who is the cotton mouth creep
Where was he hiding last night
Travel crust in Providence
Redundant but heuristic
Cars that rust in Providence
Wash blown mentalistics
Parricides don't grow on trees
Like money does when hanged boys breathe
Operant of the Opfer
Repeated into kidney beans
Skiving off archiving duties
He breaks out into hives
Black box of the refugee
Repeatedly emptied mind

Repetition in Providence
He lacks didactic competence
Live discrete, discrete like items
Checked off classroom management
Travel crust in Providence
Missing my Hungarian commandments
Cars that rust in Providence
Scaffold is not permanent

Like a dog eating breakfast
Coffee grounds, cheap as chips
Rice, salt, bread, milk
Like a dog eating breakfast
Like a dog eating breakfast
Coffee grounds, cheap as chips
Rice, salt, bread, milk
Like a dog eating breakfast

Repetition in Providence
One day in arbitrary segments
Living things living cycles
Failure to build off the loop
Repetition in Providence
Failure to build off the loop
Repetition in Providence
Failure to build off the loop
Repetition in Providence
Failure to build off the loop
Frozen in the local grey goo
Self consumption is loops that consume you
Frozen in the local grey goo
Self consumption is loops that consume you

Brain blasted idiots, I am so yarn-like for this
Yarnstorm or firebomb, strung along as existence shifts
Brain blasted idiots, read about them in tabloid bits
Drop theory researchers vomit on my T-Shirt
Brain blasted yarn men are pissing in the pig pen
Wiping tears on table tops, yarn men cuffed by red band cops
Repetition in Providence pig pens
Failure to see where a loop becomes unlocked

Extension to the bastard car wash

Black cavern wasp
Buzzing like a faulty wire
Hockey stick grips the cop
Who's buzzing like a faulty wire

Polished armour
Head wrapped in fire
Stuns me down
With a stick wrapped in fire

See the blind cop
Buzzing like a faulty wire
Stuns me down
Breakfast spent, in a smoking gown

Who caused the fire
At the bakery
That scrubbed away
The dishwasher’s face
Like a faulty wire
Breakfast spent
In a terrible place


Might've been my mind was slow
Gravel from construction sites
Collected as a swarm in the wind and my eyes
But I know what I saw

I know what I saw
I'd recognise her anywhere
Regardless of her form
Her arms and legs were everywhere
At the junction where I saw her last
Splayed across the grass
Her torso pressed into the path
Her arms and legs were everywhere

I'll trade a beer for compliance
My bed is a brewing appliance
Flat 12 is a pressure cooker, I know my way around science
Flat 12 is a percolator
I inundated with piss retainers
I smear shit on walls
Then I wait two years for the bank to call

I smoked off the rotten end, I
Never thought that far before
Forty years is long for straws
Is a horse a cart, is a cart a horse
I don't like the cut of this jib
Reverb on a xylophone rib
Vut liver, vut of a liver
One more death I won't have to live with

Do you think they will find me
Before rent is due
My deposit was flushed
Like the oil in my kitchen sink
Do you think she will smell me
Before the third of the month
My deposit was lost
When I pissed on the wallpaper

That's nice honey, that is nice
My older brother drives on ice
He had renounced his mother tongue
Before he took his life
That's nice son, that is nice
He's got your jaw and my small mouth
He's made a home down south
With all his many friends
I know his favourite chocolate
I know his middle name
My grandson is dangling
Before a bullet train

Flat 12 is a hotel room
With a fully stocked refrigerator
My son has a vacuum cleaner
He rides his bike to work

Ingo Ruff is modern jazz
He likes to get away sometimes
He'll kill off what he has
Benway's long mistreatment plan
Please provide a letter signed
By someone with your name
Send your junk to a strong stomach
Who'll recognise your stain

Flat 12 is a pressure cooker
Flat 12 is a percolator
Flat 12 is a pressure cooker
Flat 12 is a percolator
Flat 12 is a pressure cooker
Flat 12 is a percolator

Frederick I.E. believes he'll have to leave for Whitechapel
Centuries in weeks he says
Lumps appear, one working ear
He holds back his tears
Is it falling out, he says again
They've stolen my idea again
His radar blares and he starts to care
Constricted lids he's amidst a flare

Frederick I.E. perceives the world in a slightly different way
More headlines today
Is it worse now, he says
Still he, rolls and rolls, and rolls and rolls
And picks away at his face
Lines on his shirt, he limps back home from a day at work
Frederick I.E., when he looks at me
Sent back nose cracked to the factory, oh

Frederick I.E.

Frederick I.E.

Doc left Fritz right Robert straight
Fritz right Hannah left Salomon gate, headache
Frederick IE's home late
And he sits outside again
Do you see what I mean, he says
In television screams, through a throat that needs no cream
There's a bombshell in his fate
He says
Frederick I.E., when he falls asleep
He will not rest til he stares at me
He shares it all with me
He stares at me

He shares it all with me, he stares at me, he shares it all with me, Frederick I.E.
He shares it all with me, he stares at me, he shares it all with me, Frederick I.E.
He shares it all with me, he stares at me, he shares it all with me, Frederick I.E.
He shares it all with me, he stares at me, he shares it all with me, Frederick I.E.

For the sake of safety
For the sake of privacy
Frederick locked the doors and shut the curtains

For seven days, he ate nothing but his nails
All the lightbulbs in the house had been unscrewed
A painful week for frauds

Then on the eighth day
Frederick showered and dressed
He took a glance in the mirror
And puffed out his chest

His hair protected his face
From everything

And as he stepped outside
A light breeze in his hair
And confidence in his stride

He stepped down from the curb
He hadn't walked that far
Blinded by the joy
He never heard the car

Northern trip across the border
Paperclip a staple boredom
Bracing waters past abortion
Simple tongues the early boarders
What's an expat, what's a migrant?
What's a choice and what's asylum?
There was blue and red and white in
Skies that loomed over the city fires

Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones
Both of whom had bought a home
In cities culled by British drones
And led committees
Fought in cities
Raped and bleached by
British domes

They now want to be left alone
As if these people chose to go
Blaming victims, not the thrones
Deep regret for Amritsar
A shame, that Kenyan massacre
New villages in Malaya
So go the fuck back home

No we just want to
Protect our culture
No we just want to
Protect our culture
Við unnum þorskastríðið
It's not cos of your skin
Við unnum þorskastríðið
It's not cos of your skin
Við unnum þorskastríðið
It's not cos of your skin
Við unnum þorskastríðið
Well maybe it's because of your skin

Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones
Now want to be left alone
Centuries of stealing homes
“Their exhibitions
Banks and dishes
Shut them out, that's
Stuff we own”

They now want to be left alone
As if these people chose to go
Blaming victims, not the thrones
Please do not come invade our land
We raped your people with the fairest hand

Mr. Smith is in Madrid
“What's the Spanish word for quid?”
Mr. Jones in Malaga
“Get the Spaniards out of here”

There he sat in the corner
With supermassive lethargy
Crumpled down into torpor
To conserve his energy

Biting cork through sips of water
And a lack of agency
His name was lost in torpor
So he spends his residency

All those songs he'll be singing in the summer
If he doesn't ride his horse into the simmering waves
But he has sung himself into a stupor
Or so he says

Thinly veiled apathy
All symptoms rounding sharpnesses
He can only hope for clemency
As his songs are facing redundancy

Sinking in inactivity
Severely shocked to the brain
Galvanising wet hands, electricity
Urging his feet to the edge of his seat

All those songs he'll be singing in the summer
If he doesn't ride his horse into the simmering waves
But he has sung himself into a stupor
Or so he says

All those songs he'll be singing in the summer
If he doesn't ride his horse into the simmering waves
But he has sung himself into a stupor
Or so he says

She is only drunk if the pope is catholic
Hates what your grandad would say
You're losing control over information
Oh, what a busy day

If you tell her, and she tells two
Your information controls you
If you tell her, and she tells two
Your information controls you

Silent post is popular
With these drunken party-goers
Oh, what a day
If she knows best, why wouldn't they
Well, what's their excuse for not making sense, when asking at my expense
Expanding boundaries at a certain age, encompassing her friends

If you tell her, and she tells two
Your information controls you
If you tell her, and she tells two
Your information controls you

All their ears and all their mouths
I speak in present tense
Encompassing her friends
Who will not face a consequence

White rum
White rum

White rum, dark rum, fassionola
Lemon juice and ice
Blood excusing lit by shed light
Garnished with a wedge of lime
White rum, dark rum, fassionola
Lemon juice and ice
Blood excusing lit by shed light
Garnished with a wedge of lime

Now who's that there on the telephone
Dialling in their enthusiastics
The blood excuse
As close as the pope's not catholic

Tomorrow, so
Oh well

Just drink out the bottle
Fucking hell mate, Jesus
This is where he goes
One more
One more, one more, one more
One more
Oi also, if you throw up, there's some tissue to wipe your face with
Yeah, I think that'll do mate
You can have a quick break

Shot 'til you drop
Her face
That's two
Well, half
Two and a half
Three points harp
I saw a bit drip out of her mouth

Something I don't like about the kitchen, though
Is that I can't fucking reach the top shelf
In here as well

And also, in my bloody cupboard, wardrobe, whatever
That's alright
But if there's something in the back, like this
I can barely reach it
Oh what

I telephoned Yelba
Caught her in the call
Seemed as if you could hear her frown
Good Friday, shut down

Easter never ends, she says
Easter always loops
Well, I keep myself occupied
By tying lines and hoops

All these misdirections, I've been
Pinned to hunting cents
There's water in all apertures
When nature's cunt takes rent

Boxes checked and frozen
No money from the hoops
You should've seen the landlords glee
When Yelba tied the noose

He pulled his gloves on
Latex balloons
He tied his boots so tight his feet were firmly entombed
Driving around in his sad little town, he turns to me in the passenger seat and says "I need some fucking relief."

Rubber rubber rubber

So he ditched me on the road side
I see reflecting in the cats eyes
High beams of a lonely traveller
A lonely traveller speeds on by and the yellow gloves follow in pursuit in a
Never saw what became of that guy
But we all, in our town, heard the squeak that night of

Rubber rubber rubber

He pulled his gloves on
Latex balloons
If he weren't had been a killer, I would never have know that he had nothing to lose

Rubber rubber rubber rubber
Squeak of rubber was our very first confirmation
Rubber rubber rubber rubber
Terrible is an underexaggeration
Rubber rubber rubber rubber
Could have choked the air of its throat
Rubber rubber rubber rubber
There was yellow on his gloves and beyond his coat

I'm only smoking cos I wanna stay outside
I see him in the window, why's he always looking so snide
Then I drop my cigarette on my gown
I see his yellow gloves, revelling in my

I heard a gurgle
In the room somewhere
Between sheets of plastic
That lay here and there
They were warped by the heat
They were shaped by machines
They were cut into sheets
Sharp inhale through polythene

I heard a gurgle
In the room somewhere
Between sheets of plastic
That lay here and there
They were warped by the heat
They were shaped by machines
They were cut into sheets
Sharp inhale through polythene

I heard a gurgle
In the room somewhere
Between sheets of plastic
That lay here and there
They were warped by the heat
They were shaped by machines
They were cut into sheets
Sharp inhale through polythene

Man flavoured aspic
Gasping white plastic
Trapped in the factory
Died in the battery
Show me the lion
Keeping zebras in iron
Yes I melt and breed
Like prey in machines
Man flavoured aspic
Gasping white plastic
Trapped in the factory
Died in the battery
Sharks swim in riches
Made from eaten fish and
Drown them in oil
In seas and the kitchen

I heard a whistling noise
From below my chair
It's vibrating through the plastic foil
That lay under there
I heard he fell in the factory and
Was cleaved into sheets
Gasping white plastic
We sleep in the attic

A ghost in my bedroom
Dressed in white plastic sheets
A wavering light stretched
His spirit into meat
Well yes I haunt the plastic here
And warp with the heat
The smell is fantastic
The gasping white plastic

I saw a phantom
Wearing polyethylene chains
Excreting trails of ectoplasmic
Plastic stains
Pressed into sheets
By injection moulding machines
Behold the enigmatic
Gasping white plastic

A ghost in my refrigerator
And the mould he's setting in
I turn down the temperature
And get haunted gelatin
Well yes I eat the aspic here
And die in the heat
The smell is fantastic
The gasping white plastic

Man flavoured aspic
Gasping white plastic
Trapped in the factory
Died in the battery
Show me the lion
Keeping zebras in iron
Yes I melt and breed
Like prey in machines
Man flavoured aspic
Gasping white plastic
Trapped in the factory
Died in the battery
Sharks swim in riches
Made from eaten fish and
Drown them in oil
In seas and the kitchen

Circumflex, I waste my time at the
Circumflex, I click my tongue at the brick
Dried out ink blots breathing, even black and white is relieving

We can't discuss the fineprint scrawls
We can't read off the bathroom walls
Piles down there are six feet tall, I just need a space to breathe in

Circumflex, I crack my back again
Circumflex, more time on the road than in
Well, there's time to let the ink blots dry, waiting, shaking at the end of the line

Circumflex, I hate your lip
Circumflex, thirteen for tips
Running around, again and again and again
Watch your head
Now I want to get your face out the bowl
Standing around, until your skin grows mould
There's always a time and a place for growing old

Circumflex, on industry time
Circumflex, the cleanest crime
Circumflex, the stress combines
Circumflex, on industry time
Circumflex, the cleanest crime
Circumflex, the pressure combines

Mister do you have time for me
Let's say every day for the next four weeks
Have you had your birthday drink up
Every drop in your sippy cup

(We will bend all over you)

And everything comes through the wrong, in the
There was no time to waste, leaking waste out of corners
A roof and a bowl would be worth all the torture
Behind the station, dripping ceiling like water
And the hurdle will jump up with every approach, we are closer to shelters than to Clarendon Road
And our worth has been crumbling, their boots have been hardened, we're closer to starving than to Phillimore Gardens

Regarding the stretch from the doctor's house
To the fourteen pillars of oil
Regarding the fact that you salted the water in which your brain was to be boiled
You left it there to swim around
You left it there to simmer
Well mister let me tell you what I had that evening
On the 1st of April for dinner

Mister do you have time for me
Let's say every day for the next four weeks
Have you had your birthday drink up
Every drop in your sippy cup

(Must we discuss the fineprint scrawls?)
(Must I dote on the dead end calls?)

I think that I'm losing my sense of taste
And my tongue has taken on a strange shape
I peer inside the can of birthday drink
And it looks like chicken pâté
You're a nice lad, is what he said to the
New hire he fired the very same day
We all watched as the lorry reversed
And turned the man into bolognese

Es haben sich ein paar minimale Änderungen für den restlichen Monat ergeben
Für den Februarplan muss ich euch noch um ein bisschen Geduld bitten
Ich warte noch auf ein paar Infos unseres neuen Mitarbeiters
Sobald mir die Angaben vorliegen, schicke ich den Plan raus
Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Abend

Round and round and round it goes
I just sit and watch it spin
Don't you try to make it slow down
Or stick your fingers in
Do you think you should commit
And risk the fine for Schwarzfahren
Don't you try to clear your snot
Or tie yourself some stomach knots

I think it would be unwise, their
Papers are horrid lies
One more two more three more nine
Let's hope they can't see through the lines
The lines I'm waiting in
But what am I waiting for
My patience wearing thin
A man like you should weigh more

Now I travel black this time
I touch the sickle cell this time

This way they do not respond, or
Call me funny names
These names you think I'm fond of
You've only got myself to blame
I think there's something here
Behind that double slit
I saw a man about a dog
Then fell into a fit

I want to tell you something
Because you are my friend
When I repeat the bend
I find myself accepting death
More than them I'd say
How was Lizaveta's day
I'd guess Semyon's was worse
Because he just embarks again

But now I pay the fine this time
I should have never tried
But now I pay the fine this time
I should have never tried

You've not got the guts
That's why you're here I'm us
I'm feeling ill today
And Isidor's son got the cuts
You can't convince me now
Inside the sickle cell
I know lysis will tell
And my eyes will never fail

I know you know it's your root
Tail eating will stop you now
Is this your only fruit
Is this all that you can keep down
But then what keeps you up, no
What really keeps you up
But then what keeps you up, no
What really keeps you up

And now I pull the cord this time
No consequence or thought this time
And now I pull the cord this time
No consequence or thought this time
And now I pull the cord this time
No consequence or thought this time
And now I pull the cord this time
No consequence or thought

Attractive moments in the history of food
Franz, I think she's coming on to you
Pack your things up, acquire her stuff
If only to hear her cry and cough

It is September again
Fetishisation of A

Er hat auf dem Sterbebett liegend gesagt
“Hätte ich doch bloß mehr Männer gejagt”
Die Katzen sitzen in der Wohnung fest
Wem gehört die Leiche, die ihr fresst?

It is September again

Drop his face, drop her face again
Drop everything, drop her face again
Fuck her head off, fuck his head off
Fuck his head off, fuck her head off

I can cut bonds in my mind
Nevermind how solid you think they are
Hirn verdirbt schnell
Die Katzen fressen graue Zellen

This cannot last

F is for face
It's what you
F is for face
It's what you
F is for face
It's what you
It's what you let all the idiots use

Let others
It's what you
Let others
It's what you
F is for face
It's what you
It's what you let others do to you

F is for face
It's where your vestigial mouthpart is
Most can whirl it into shapes
It's what you should have been born with
Others will
Use their faces
Other people
Use their faces
F is for face
It's what you
it's what you should have been born with

S stands for speech
It's what you
What is at you
It's what they do
It's what you should
They are at you
It's what the faces are at you

Let others
It's what you
Let others
It's what you
S stands for speech
It's what you
It's what you let others do to you

S stands for speech
Formed from whirled shapes pushed through the teeth
What your mouthpart was once for
But things wither over time
Others will
Use their faces
For the purpose of
S stands for speech
It's what you should have learnt

FST, instructional tapestry
In a yolk magazine
FST, what sort of hilarity
Did he have in mind for me

T refers to touch
It's what
It is
It is what
It's what you
It's what you
It's what you, it's what you, it's what you

Let others
It's what you
Let others
It's what you
T refers to touch
It's what you
It's what you let others do to you

T refers to touch
Ganz locker
Touch macht einen
Zu einem Stubenhocker
Others will feel something
Others will feel good
T refers to touch, it's what's expected of you

Said I have
Crank views, disappearing spews
It's so cosy here in the venue room
Roy in the next stall, running waterfalls
Ah, seven stabs
For each day of the week
A head hangs over bowls, brain-dead and old
A ceramic climax, splash on porcelain cold
Well, I can't see silver and a
Head wants a head in a bowl

And then Roy said
Practice makes perfect
I want a head in a bowl
Roy said I have crank views
He wants my head in a bowl
I want a head in a bowl, he wants my head in a bowl
I want a head in a bowl, he wants my head in a bowl
I want a head in a bowl, he wants my head in a bowl
I want a head in a, head wants a head in a bowl

And it pulls the air out of your body
And as you chase the wheel it accelerates
But getting away with crimes
Gets easier every time

Wait there, move, don't speak, wither, chew
He exits your room
He exits your room, towing sleep and all groove, towing sleep and all groove

Wait there, move, don't speak, wither, brew
He exits your room
He exits your room, looking greener than you
I predict what he'll do

Wait there, move, for the speeding wheel
Wait there, move, for the speeding wheel
Wait there, move, for the speeding wheel
Wait there, move, for the speeding wheel

Another punch in the lower right square
Another fistfull of matted hair
All my dinners come with warning labels
Stay tab meal licked directly off the table

I think I saw a face in the freezer compartment
And it's hiding from the flowers in my white soil garden
The unique flora endemic to my apartment
Will thrive even better when it gets to my carcass

Scented candles cannot send me to sleep
Like a spoilage floor and a bag of ethylene
This job takes it out of me
Fruit flies should be paying my utilities

No man can lull me to sleep
Like a bedside can and a compost heap
Have you seen where my flowers grow
Fruit flies lay eggs in leftover snow

Der ganze Schleim muss raus
Der ganze Schleim muss raus
Der ganze Schleim muss raus

There is
Black mould on the window sill
That makes the visitors ill
It takes time to acclimatise
Why the hell would I take my lungs outside

Another punch in the lower right square
Another fistfull of matted hair
All my dinners come with warning labels
Stay tab meal licked directly off the table

I heard your roommate moved with lumps in their brain
I heard they suffered quite the unfortunate fall
Two now share a room, with the third between four casket walls

I heard your roommate moved with lumps in their brain
I heard they suffered quite the unfortunate fall
Two now share a room, with the third between four casket walls

He became unwell with a Baader tumour
Collecting rabbit thoughts
A page of observations snowballed
And he was caught
He was caught inside his skull
By chance only, could he see past himself
How I feel for the two of you
See anything apart from this

And on occasions such as this he did
He'd crane his eyes through lumps
Slip a word through the tumour slump
And on occasions such as this, she did
By his side, she lit it up
How I feel for the two of you
See anything apart from this

She burned a chain of five
The sixth segment, joined to the centipede, to light
To light her next cigarette
She burned a chain of nine, the tenth, behind
To light her next cigarette
To light her next cigarette

In a haze of tar and imagined pain
He hated her smoke
She hated his control
How I feel for the two of you
See anything apart from this

He struck first
But she struck harder
Her broken nose and his charred heart
I heard your neighbours all had lumps in their brains
I heard that all three died
In a murder suicide

She burned a chain of five
The sixth segment, joined to the centipede, to light
To light her next cigarette
She burned a chain of nine, the tenth, behind
To light her next cigarette
To light her next cigarette

She burned a chain of five
The sixth segment, joined to the centipede, to light
To light her next cigarette
She burned a chain of nine, the tenth, behind
To light her next cigarette
To light her next cigarette

Drink up your birthday drink until your face is blue
Put your cigarette out on your birthday balloons
Chunder in the kitchen sink it's time for your elevenses
Carrots on the floor and all you hear’s a numb fluorescent hiss

Drink up your birthday drink until your face is blue
Wake up in the bathroom with your knees all bruised
Chunder in your rucksack on the way to work
They try to take your bed away, you're laying inert

Maybe people waking
In a looping alarm
Mating call repeating, maybe
Through my tongues and my arms
Zener estimating
Open and shut
Exhibits may hinder
Some sentence of luck

Do not
Must not
The final crows recording
Through the eyes in their beaks
And when they're done with their reporting
When they've called the police
I see it through the eyes in their beaks
A roach is unpaused in my head
All thought reports need filing
My best behaviour riling
Riling up a combordid sense
Of useless dread

They ask me
They ask me
Why do you chew on that
Your fidget, your waver
Your panic attack
Shoulder eyes advise me
That my obsession with time
Will never fall behind me
Minus zest and minus life
I guess
Orbit around today's guest
Miss relief receptacle
I suppose fresh eyes
Could put it to rest
But only if I select
And only if they protest

Certain synapses
Succumb to fear up
And maybe people watching
Want the room cleaned up
If the jury finds a motive
Let me fantasise
Some trains of thought are so corrosive
It conducted by spies
If the lines are devised
On a blueprint skin
And I question myself
Thrown off for black travelling
Lingering sin
Ludonarrative spins
Spilling out the entrails
Of your stinking king

Cling consult says no
Botulism this time
Anaemic from the subcage
Received it from within the headache
Cling consult says sing
Sing in common time
He's speaking from all ages
Ages decades every night
Cling consult cuts in
Botches all my lines
Only speaks to interrupt
Is there someone on your mind
Cling consult says sing
Sing in common time
He's speaking from all ages
Ages decades every night

It is on
You turned the switch on
You turned the switch on wrong
It is on
Call for consultation
You turned the switch on wrong
Second hand
These prions fold
My clipped wing span

Double-edged friends
I've been inventing

Fully conscious
Rooted question
Shallow wounds
From another dimension

Medicine Gift
Klin klin izbiva
At a skimmington ride
Like a true believer